A friend indeed, when there is no need

We all know what people need in their moments of distress, but we and the ones we love won’t always won’t always be in need.

How do we be friends in between moments of need? Misterjacque does justice to this topic. Read, like, follow, comment, and share with your friends.


Sweeping hurt under the carpet, rather than dealing with it by admitting wrong, has done more harm than good. Especially in the African context where an elder can do no wrong.

As he always does, Misterjacque questions this statusquo and proffers solutions, so we dont lose these vital relationships.

Just friends

We all will meet amazing people of the other gender on our journey, i think we have already. Whichever way the friendship goes; romantic or platonic, here is how to ensure you never lose. Misterjacque christened this one, “Just friends”, i’m sure you will love it.

Friendship lessons from Creed III

Creed III, The most successful sequel to the legandary Rocky series was released in March of 2023. This publication by MisterJacque holds a lot of insight into friendships and how they should be handled as gleaned from watching the movie. You’ll love it.

Friendship Fatigue

The weight of relationships were not for one shoulder, if ever any one person should bear the weight, it should be temporary; so a sweet thing doesn’t go sour. On the other end of this link, Misterjacque writes on friendship fatigue, you should read what he wrote, everyone does.